The customer object provides methods to manage common properties for all your accounts.
Update contact verification email settings.
Table 2.80. Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Default |
supportEmail | Customer supporter's email address. | emailoptional | false | |
supportName | Customer supporter's name. | text0255 | false | |
signature | Customer specific signature. | text0 | false |
Delete a customer.
Get customer information.
Table 2.82. Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Optional |
accountId | Account id | int | |
customerId | Customer id | int | |
customerNo | Your unique Customer number | int | |
username | Username | text64 | |
title | Salutation title | addressTitle | |
firstname | Customers firstname | text64 | |
lastname | Customers lastname | text64 | |
org | Customers organisation/company | text064 | |
street | Customers street | text255 | |
pc | Customers postal code | text10 | |
city | Customers city | text64 | |
cc | Customers country | country | |
voice | Customers phone number | phone | |
fax | Customers fax number | phoneoptional | |
www | Customers web address | token0255 | |
Customers email address | |||
servicePin | Customers service pin | int | |
crDate | Customers date of account creation | dateTime | |
secureMode | Customers secure mode | boolean | |
signPdfs | Customer gets signed pdfs | boolean | |
summaryInvoice | Customer gets summary invoice | boolean | |
mailListId | List of subscribed mail-list-ids | array_int | Yes |
language | Customers language | language | |
notificationEmail | Customer gets notification emails | boolean | |
notificationQueue | Customer uses notification queue | boolean | |
lowBalance | Customers low balance notification value | float | |
renewalReport | Customer gets renewal reports | boolean | |
paymentType | Customers type of payment | paymentType | |
bankAccHolder | Customers name of bank account holder | token255 | |
bankName | Customers name of bank | token255 | |
bankCode | Customers bank code | token255 | |
bankAccHolderNo | Customers bank account number | text64 | |
vat | Customers vat | int | |
vatNo | Customers company vat number | vatNo | |
whoisProvider | Default whois provider | token255 | |
whoisUrl | Default whois url | token255 | |
defaultRegistrant | Default registrant contact handle | int | |
defaultAdmin | Default administrative contact handle | int | |
defaultTech | Default technical contact handle | int | |
defaultBilling | Default billing contact handle | int | |
defaultNsset | Default nameserver set | int | |
defaultWeb | Default web nameserver entry | token0255 | Yes |
defaultMail | Default mail nameserver entry | text0255 | Yes |
defaultImportNS | Import NS in case of Domain Transfer | boolean | Yes |
defaultRenewalMode | Default domain renewal mode | renewalMode | |
lastLogin | Date of last login | dateTime | |
loginCount | Count of logins | int | |
rowsPerPage | Default rows per page value | int | |
tfa | 2-factor-authentification method | tfaMethod | |
lastIP | Customers ip address of last access | ip | |
verification | Customers data verfication pending flag | int | |
emailBilling | Customers email address for billing | ||
emailAutomated | Email address for automated emails | ||
currency | currency | customercurrency | |
isReseller | Defines if the customer is a reseller or not | boolean_3 | |
serviceProviderId | The provider-id of the customer | int | |
supplimentInvoiceText | Suppliment text to the invoice | text0100 | |
wdrpEmail | Email address for WDRP notifications |
List downloadable file tokens for the given customer.
Table 2.83. Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Default |
type | Type of download to search for, e.g. 'gdpr'. If omitted, all downloads are returned. | text64 | false |
Request a customer data export.
Update customer information.
Table 2.85. Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Default |
username | Customers username | username | false | |
title | Customers salutation title | addressTitle | false | |
firstname | Customers firstname | text64 | false | |
lastname | Customers lastname | text64 | false | |
org | Customers organisation/company | token0255 | false | |
street | Customers street | text255 | false | |
pc | Customers postal code | text10 | false | |
city | Customers city | text64 | false | |
cc | Customers country | country | false | |
voice | Customers phone number | phone | false | |
fax | Customers fax number | phoneoptional | false | |
www | Customers web address | token0255 | false | |
Customers email address | false | |||
emailAutomated | Customers automated email address | emailoptional | false | |
emailBilling | Customers email address for billing | emailoptional | false | |
servicePin | Customers service pin | text64 | false | |
summaryInvoice | Customer gets summary invoice | boolean | false | |
mailListId | One or more mail-list-id(s) | array_int | false | |
language | Customers language | language | false | |
notificationEmail | Customer get notification emails | boolean | false | |
notificationQueue | Customer uses notification queue | boolean | false | |
renewalReport | Customer gets renewal reports emails | boolean | false | |
lowBalance | Customers low balance notification value | float_signed | false | |
bankAccHolder | Customers name of bank account holder | token255 | false | |
bankCode | Customers bank code | text64 | false | |
bankName | Customers name of bank | text64 | false | |
bankAccHolderNo | Customers bank account number | text64 | false | |
vatNo | Customers company vat number | vatNoInternational | false | |
whoisProvider | Default whois provider | token0255 | false | |
whoisUrl | Default whois url | token0255 | false | |
defaultRegistrant | Default registrant contact handle | int | false | |
defaultAdmin | Default admin contact handle | int | false | |
defaultTech | Default tech contact handle | int | false | |
defaultBilling | Default billing contact handle | int | false | |
defaultNsset | Default nameserver set | int | false | |
defaultWeb | Default web nameserver entry | token0255 | false | |
defaultMail | Default mail nameserver entry | text0255 | false | |
defaultImportNS | Import NS in Case of Domain Transfer | boolean | false | |
defaultRenewalMode | Default domain renewal mode | renewalMode | false | |
supplimentinvoicetext | Suppliment text to the invoice | text0100 | false | |
password | Customers password | password | false | |
rowsPerPage | Default rows per page value | int | false | |
isReseller | Is Customer a reseller? | boolean_3 | false | |
testing | Execute command in testing mode | boolean | false | false |
nif | NIF of a natural person or company (only for customers of InternetworX SLU) | text10 | false | |
idCard | Your ID card number (only for natural person with residence in the EU for InternetworX SLU) | text64 | false | |
disablepremium | Are premium domains disabled by the customer? | boolean | false | |
wdrpEmail | Specify the email address for WDRP notifications | emailoptional | false | |
errpEmail | Specify the sender email address for ERRP notifications | emailoptional | false | |
errpEmailName | Specify the sender name for ERRP notifications | text0255 | false | |
renewalReportEmail | Specify the email address for renewal report notifications | emailoptional | false |