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.NO Domain (Norway)

9,90 € / year
Please enter your desired domain name:
The beginning of the ccTLD .no was in 1987 where Norway currently has approximately 820,324 domain names registered. The management is carried out by Norid since 2003 but is supervised by the Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority.

Organizations located in the Nordic country are limited to 100 domains each. On the other hand, in Norway a total of 709,347 company domain names are registered under the ccTLD .no.

The Norwegian domain registration can only be done by a resident of the same, so it is necessary to have a local contact or have a presence in the country. We offer that service in case you need it.

Domain characteristics

General Information for the domain extension .no - Norway

Meaning of Extension .no is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Norway.
Minimum and maximum length 2 - 63 characters
Time of registration In real-time
Time of transfer 7 days
Registrar Transfer Yes, with Auth-Code
Trade Yes
Premium Domains No
Whois Privacy No
DNSSEC Supported Yes (DS)
Renewal Period 1Y
Registration Period 1Y
Cancellation Period 1 Day(s)
Supported IDN characters á, à, ä, č, ç, đ, é, è, ê, ŋ, ń, ñ, ó, ò, ô, ö, š, ŧ, ü, ž, æ, ø, å
Renewal On Transfer No
Term transfer on Transfer Yes
Term transfer on Trade No
Local contact needed
Registry Connection Directly
Trustee Service Yes (190 / 1 year)
Number of nameservers allowed 2 - 13
The domain terms for .no domains can be found at:


Only registrants located in Norway can register a .NO domain..

For companies the company number is required. The company name to any number can be looked up at:

For private person the personal ID is required. This can be ordered at:

When using our trustee service, a company from Norway is used as registrant for you, so you can still register and use a .NO domain.

API Details

  • domain:create
  • domain:transfer
  • domain:trade
  • domain:update
1 25.126 / 1 year